
Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:15-17
God and Human Government

Genesis 1:26-31, 2:15-17

God Given Animation (1:26a)

God’s life (Gen. 2:7)

God’s likeness


God Given Authorization (1:26b-27)

God is the “Owner”

Humanity is the “manager”


God Given Aspiration (1:28-31)

Have a fruitful life

Enjoy a fruit-filled life


God Given Limitation (Gen. 2:15-17)

One forbidden tree

One fearful warning


More to Consider

A  biblical answer explains why all of life has become disordered. As the twenty-first century is beginning in the West, part of that disorder is the sense that life has no center, that it is adrift, and that it has no meaning. This answer, which explains all of this, is sin. And this is the normative answer. It does not change. This, in every age, is the answer that explains life's disorder.  The center has not been lost. What has been lost is our ability to see it, to recognize it, to bow before it, to reorder our lives in light of it, to do what we should do as people who live in the presence of this center, this Other, this triune, holy-loving God of the Bible…Paul's statement is that, since the fall, we have "worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator" (Rom. 1:25).  David F. Wells

So, to eliminate any confusion on this point, I am going to give you a short quiz. In the Christian Story, who is the creator and sustainer of the universe? Who is the Lord, the master of the universe? Who is all-powerful? Who is the center of the universe? The answer to each of these questions is, of course, God—the God who is completely distinct from the rest of his creation.   Gregory Koukl

Sovereignty or governance means “to be in control of” or “to be in charge of.” Sovereignty concerns not only God’s right to control all, but also His actual sovereign dominion over all things. Sovereignty is based in several of His attributes since God is all–powerful, all–knowing, all–wise and all–good. This is because God knows the best thing to do and has the power to do it. He is prior to all things, produces all things, sustains all things, transcends all things, knows all things, can do all things, owns all things, rules over all things and controls all things. Norman L. Geisler