
Genesis 3:1-13
God and Human Government

The Satanic Treachery (vv. 1-5)

  1. “God lied to you”
  2. “God is holding out on you”


The Seismic Tragedy (v. 6)

  1. Eve was deceived
  2. Adam was deliberate


The Selfish Terror (vv. 7-10)

  1. They were now self focused
  2. They were now self conscious
  3. They were now selfish


The Societal Tearing (vv. 11-13)

  1. Adam - “That woman…”
  2. Eve – “That snake…”
  3. The serpent – “Umm…”


More to Consider

Had Adam and Eve retained their original state, they never would have died. But Eve and then Adam yielded to the serpent's temptation, and death came into the world. Before that moment, they were in a beautiful, pristine state. They existed on a level far above the present condition of the human race. It is difficult to imagine what man was like then by viewing him as he is now. It would require something like trying to reconstruct the original version of an aircraft from its wreckage. If we knew nothing of flying, we would hardly suspect that it had once soared above the earth. The material would be the same; the capability of flight, however, would be lost.

David Breese, Living For Eternity, Moody Press, 1988, p. 99.


The center has not been lost. What has been lost is our ability to see it, to recognize it, to bow before it, to reorder our lives in light of it, to do what we should do as people who live in the presence of this center, this Other, this triune, holy-loving God of the Bible…Paul's statement is that, since the fall, we have "worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator" (Rom. 1:25). David F. Wells


As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on thing and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you.”C.S. Lewis


“Indeed, has God said …?” was his introductory question for Eve (3:1). Modern paraphrase: “Are you sure that’s what God said? Are you certain that is what he meant?” Eve had a perfectly clear commandment from God. But the serpent planted seeds of doubt in her mind. He does the same in our minds: “Maybe that verse doesn’t really mean what it looks as if it means. Maybe God doesn’t mean for us to take that literally. Maybe … Maybe … Maybe …” Satan’s strategy is to make us doubt the reliability and applicability of the clear teachings of Scripture. We must not believe him! Strassner, K. (2009). Opening up Genesis (pp. 32–33). Day One Publications.