
John 10:11-21
"I Am the Good Shepherd"

John 10:11-21

The Intensity of the Shepherd (vv. 11-13)

The hireling flees from the “wolf”.

The Shepherd faces the “wolf”.

  1. Total commitment
  2. Total sacrifice


The Intimacy of the Shepherd (vv. 14-18)

He is known by the current sheep (Jewish believers)

He will be known by the “other Sheep” (Gentile believers)

He will die for all the sheep. (John 15:13-14)


The Illustration of the Sheep (vv. 19-21)

The reaction

The response 


More to Consider

There is a contrast here between the Pharisees (hirelings) who had no concern for the sheep, and Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. The hirelings flee and protect themselves when the enemies come; but Christ willingly gives up His life for the sheep. (See Acts 20:29.) Christ as the Good Shepherd gives His life on the cross (Ps. 22); as the Great Shepherd, He cares for the sheep (Heb. 13:20 and Ps. 23); and as the Chief Shepherd He will come again in glory for His sheep (Ps. 24 and 1 Peter 5:4). In v. 18 He speaks of both His death and His resurrection.    Warren Wiresbe


How clearly this must have spoken to the men and women of Israel. Their rulers, like religious leaders of many times and many faiths, were quick to demand respect and obedience. They were quick to lord it over others; quick to judge, advise, condemn. But no one in Israel would imagine for a moment that one of the authorities would lay down his life for one of the common people. Those leaders might lay down their lives for truth. More than once the men of Israel had refused to fight on the Sabbath, and had been killed easily by pagans. More than one Israelite had offered his body to Roman swords rather than permit a statue of Caesar, or even the Legion Eagles, to enter Jerusalem. To die for a conviction was not that uncommon. But to die for love of the sheep? Never! Truth was important to the authorities; people were not.    Lawrence O. Richards


He is giving his life still. The life that is in the man Christ Jesus he is always giving for us. It is for us he lives, and because he lives, we live also. He lives to plead for us. He lives to represent us in heaven. He lives to rule providence for us.    Charles Spurgeon